Ayah 1
هَلْ Has أَتَىٰكَ (there) come to you حَدِيثُ (the) news ٱلْغَٰشِيَةِ (of) the Overwhelming?
Ayah 2
وُجُوهٌ Faces يَوْمَئِذٍ that Day خَٰشِعَةٌ (will be) humbled,
Ayah 3
عَامِلَةٌ Laboring, نَّاصِبَةٌ exhausted.
Ayah 4
تَصْلَىٰ They will burn نَارًا (in) a Fire حَامِيَةً intensely hot.
Ayah 5
تُسْقَىٰ They will be given to drink مِنْ from عَيْنٍ a spring, ءَانِيَةٍ boiling.
Ayah 6
لَّيْسَ Not is لَهُمْ for them طَعَامٌ food إِلَّا except مِن from ضَرِيعٍ a bitter thorny plant,
Ayah 7
لَّا Not يُسْمِنُ it nourishes وَلَا and not يُغْنِى it avails مِن from جُوعٍ hunger.
Ayah 8
وُجُوهٌ Faces يَوْمَئِذٍ that Day نَّاعِمَةٌ (will be) joyful.
Ayah 9
لِّسَعْيِهَا With their effort رَاضِيَةٌ satisfied,
Ayah 10
فِى In جَنَّةٍ a garden عَالِيَةٍ elevated.
Ayah 11
لَّا Not تَسْمَعُ they will hear فِيهَا therein لَٰغِيَةً vain talk.
Ayah 12
فِيهَا Therein عَيْنٌ (will be) a spring جَارِيَةٌ flowing,
Ayah 13
فِيهَا Therein سُرُرٌ (will be) thrones مَّرْفُوعَةٌ raised high,
Ayah 14
وَأَكْوَابٌ And cups مَّوْضُوعَةٌ put in place,
Ayah 15
وَنَمَارِقُ And cushions مَصْفُوفَةٌ lined up,
Ayah 16
وَزَرَابِىُّ And carpets مَبْثُوثَةٌ spread out.
Ayah 17
أَفَلَا Then do not يَنظُرُونَ they look إِلَى towards ٱلْإِبِلِ the camels, كَيْفَ how خُلِقَتْ they are created?
Ayah 18
وَإِلَى And towards ٱلسَّمَآءِ the sky, كَيْفَ how رُفِعَتْ it is raised?
Ayah 19
وَإِلَى And towards ٱلْجِبَالِ the mountains, كَيْفَ how نُصِبَتْ they are fixed?
Ayah 20
وَإِلَى And towards ٱلْأَرْضِ the earth, كَيْفَ how سُطِحَتْ it is spread out?
Ayah 21
فَذَكِّرْ So remind, إِنَّمَآ only أَنتَ you مُذَكِّرٌ (are) a reminder.
Ayah 22
لَّسْتَ You are not عَلَيْهِم over them بِمُصَيْطِرٍ a controller,
Ayah 23
إِلَّا But مَن whoever تَوَلَّىٰ turns away وَكَفَرَ and disbelieves,
Ayah 24
فَيُعَذِّبُهُ Then will punish him ٱللَّهُ Allah ٱلْعَذَابَ (with) the punishment ٱلْأَكْبَرَ greatest.
Ayah 25
إِنَّ Indeed, إِلَيْنَآ to Us إِيَابَهُمْ (will be) their return,
Ayah 26
ثُمَّ Then إِنَّ indeed, عَلَيْنَا upon Us حِسَابَهُم (is) their account.