وَإِذَا And when और जब 11 repeat word in thi surah وَمَا And not 4 repeat word in thi surah إِذَا When जब 3 repeat word in thi surah هُوَ he (is) 3 repeat word in thi surah ذِى Possessor of वाला 2 repeat word in thi surah أَن to 2 repeat word in thi surah إِلَّا (is) except 2 repeat word in thi surah بِضَنِينٍ a withholder. 1 repeat word in thi surah كَرِيمٍ noble, इज़्ज़्ाज वाले 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمُبِينِ the clear. 1 repeat word in thi surah بِٱلْأُفُقِ in the horizon 1 repeat word in thi surah رَءَاهُ he saw him 1 repeat word in thi surah وَلَقَدْ And certainly 1 repeat word in thi surah بِمَجْنُونٍ mad. 1 repeat word in thi surah صَاحِبُكُم (is) your companion 1 repeat word in thi surah رَسُولٍ (of) a Messenger रसूल ;कीद्ध 1 repeat word in thi surah أَمِينٍ trustworthy, 1 repeat word in thi surah ثَمَّ and 1 repeat word in thi surah مُّطَاعٍ One to be obeyed 1 repeat word in thi surah مَكِينٍ secure, बुलंद मरतबे वाला (है) 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَرْشِ the Throne तख़्त 1 repeat word in thi surah عِندَ with पास 1 repeat word in thi surah قُوَّةٍ power, ताक़त 1 repeat word in thi surah لِّلْعَٰلَمِينَ to the worlds, 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ (of) the worlds. 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبُّ Lord 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱللَّهُ Allah, 1 repeat word in thi surah يَشَآءَ wills 1 repeat word in thi surah تَشَآءُونَ you will 1 repeat word in thi surah يَسْتَقِيمَ take a straight way. 1 repeat word in thi surah مِنكُمْ among you 1 repeat word in thi surah شَآءَ wills 1 repeat word in thi surah لِمَن For whoever 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَى on 1 repeat word in thi surah ذِكْرٌ a reminder 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنْ Not 1 repeat word in thi surah تَذْهَبُونَ are you going? 1 repeat word in thi surah فَأَيْنَ So where 1 repeat word in thi surah رَّجِيمٍ accursed. 1 repeat word in thi surah شَيْطَٰنٍ (of) Shaitaan 1 repeat word in thi surah بِقَوْلِ (is the) word 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّهُۥ Indeed, it बेशक यह 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْغَيْبِ the unseen 1 repeat word in thi surah حُشِرَتْ are gathered, जमा कर दिए जाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلصُّحُفُ the pages सहीफे़ 1 repeat word in thi surah قُتِلَتْ she was killed. वह क़त्ल की गई 1 repeat word in thi surah ذَنۢبٍ sin गुनाह 1 repeat word in thi surah بِأَىِّ For what किस पर 1 repeat word in thi surah سُئِلَتْ is asked पूछी जाएगी 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمَوْءُۥدَةُ the female infant buried alive जि़्ांदा गाड़ी गई लड़की 1 repeat word in thi surah زُوِّجَتْ are paired, जोड़े बना दिए जाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنُّفُوسُ the souls जानोें (के) 1 repeat word in thi surah سُجِّرَتْ are made to overflow, सुलगाए जाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْبِحَارُ the seas समंदर 1 repeat word in thi surah نُشِرَتْ are laid open, फैला दिए जाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْوُحُوشُ the wild beasts वहशी जानवर 1 repeat word in thi surah عُطِّلَتْ (are) left untended; बेकार कर दी जाएंगी 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعِشَارُ the full-term she-camels दस महीने की गाभिन उँटनियाँ 1 repeat word in thi surah سُيِّرَتْ are moved away, चला दिए जाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْجِبَالُ the mountains पहाड़ 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱنكَدَرَتْ fall, losing their luster बेनूर हो जाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنُّجُومُ the stars सितारे 1 repeat word in thi surah كُوِّرَتْ is wrapped up, लपेट दिया जाएगा 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلشَّمْسُ the sun सूरज 1 repeat word in thi surah أَحْضَرَتْ it has brought. उसने हाजि़्ार किया 1 repeat word in thi surah تَنَفَّسَ it breathes वह साँस लेती है 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلصُّبْحِ And the dawn और सुबह की 1 repeat word in thi surah عَسْعَسَ it departs, वह ख़त्म होती है 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلَّيْلِ And the night और रात की 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْكُنَّسِ (and) disappear, छुप जाने वाले 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْجَوَارِ Those that run चलने वाले 1 repeat word in thi surah بِٱلْخُنَّسِ by the retreating planets, पीछे हटने वाले सितारों (की) 1 repeat word in thi surah أُقْسِمُ I swear मैं क़सम खाता हूँ 1 repeat word in thi surah فَلَآ But nay! तो नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah لَقَوْلُ (is) surely a word यकीनन बात ;हैद्ध 1 repeat word in thi surah مَّآ what जो 1 repeat word in thi surah نَفْسٌ a soul (हर) नफ़्स 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلِمَتْ Will know जान लेगा 1 repeat word in thi surah أُزْلِفَتْ is brought near, पास लाई जाएगी 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْجَنَّةُ Paradise जन्नत 1 repeat word in thi surah سُعِّرَتْ is set ablaze, भड़का दी जाएगी 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْجَحِيمُ the Hellfire जहन्नम 1 repeat word in thi surah كُشِطَتْ is stripped away, खाल खींच ली जाएगी 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلسَّمَآءُ the sky आसमान (की) 1 repeat word in thi surah