ٱللَّهُ Allah अल्लाह ने 11 repeat word in thi surah مَنْ "Who किस ने 8 repeat word in thi surah يَٰٓأَيُّهَا O 5 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّبِىُّ Prophet! नबी 4 repeat word in thi surah مَآ what उसको जो 4 repeat word in thi surah ءَامَنُوا۟ believe! ईमान लाए हो 4 repeat word in thi surah إِلَىٰ to तरफ़ 3 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّذِينَ (you) who लोगो जो 3 repeat word in thi surah لَّا not 3 repeat word in thi surah وَٱللَّهُ And Allah और अल्लाह 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَلِيمُ (is) the All-Knower, ख़ूब इल्म वाला 2 repeat word in thi surah بَعْضِ one एक की 2 repeat word in thi surah فَلَمَّا and when तो जब 2 repeat word in thi surah بِهِۦ about it उसकी 2 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْهِ to him, उस पर 2 repeat word in thi surah قَالَتْ she said, वो कहने लगी 2 repeat word in thi surah إِن If अगर 2 repeat word in thi surah عَسَىٰ Perhaps उम्मीद है 2 repeat word in thi surah أَن [that] कि 2 repeat word in thi surah كَفَرُوا۟ disbelieve! कुफ़्र किया 2 repeat word in thi surah لَنَا for us हमारे लिए 2 repeat word in thi surah مَثَلًا an example एक मिसाल 2 repeat word in thi surah لِّلَّذِينَ for those who उनके लिए जिन्होंने 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱمْرَأَتَ (the) wife बीवी की 2 repeat word in thi surah فِرْعَوْنَ (of) Firaun, फ़िरऔन की 2 repeat word in thi surah وَنَجِّنِى and save me और मुझे बचा ले 2 repeat word in thi surah لِمَ Why (do) क्यों 1 repeat word in thi surah تُحَرِّمُ you prohibit आप हराम करते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah أَحَلَّ has made lawful हलाल किया 1 repeat word in thi surah لَكَ for you, आपके लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah تَبْتَغِى seeking आप चाहते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah مَرْضَاتَ (to) please खुशी 1 repeat word in thi surah أَزْوَٰجِكَ your wives? अपनी बीवियों की 1 repeat word in thi surah غَفُورٌ (is) Oft-Forgiving, बहुत माफ़ करने वाला 1 repeat word in thi surah رَّحِيمٌ Most Merciful. निहायत रहम करने वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah قَدْ Indeed, बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah فَرَضَ has ordained मुक़र्रर कर दिया है 1 repeat word in thi surah لَكُمْ for you तुम्हारे लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah تَحِلَّةَ (the) dissolution खोलना 1 repeat word in thi surah أَيْمَٰنِكُمْ (of) your oaths. तुम्हारी क़समों का 1 repeat word in thi surah مَوْلَىٰكُمْ (is) your Protector मौला है तुम्हारा 1 repeat word in thi surah وَهُوَ and He और वो ही है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحَكِيمُ the All-Wise. ख़ूब हिकमत वाला 1 repeat word in thi surah وَإِذْ And when और जब 1 repeat word in thi surah أَسَرَّ confided छुपा कर की 1 repeat word in thi surah أَزْوَٰجِهِۦ (of) his wives अपनी बीवियों में से 1 repeat word in thi surah حَدِيثًا a statement, एक बात 1 repeat word in thi surah نَبَّأَتْ she informed उसने ख़बर दे दी 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَظْهَرَهُ and made it apparent और ज़ाहिर कर दिया उसे 1 repeat word in thi surah عَرَّفَ he made known उसने बता दिया 1 repeat word in thi surah بَعْضَهُۥ a part of it कुछ हिस्सा उसका 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَعْرَضَ and avoided और छोड़ दिया 1 repeat word in thi surah عَنۢ [of] 1 repeat word in thi surah نَبَّأَهَا he informed her उसने ख़बर दी उसे 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنۢبَأَكَ informed you ख़बर दी आपको 1 repeat word in thi surah هَٰذَا this?" इसकी 1 repeat word in thi surah قَالَ He said, कहा 1 repeat word in thi surah نَبَّأَنِىَ "Has informed me ख़बर दी मुझे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْخَبِيرُ the All-Aware." ख़ूब ख़बर रखने वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah تَتُوبَآ you both turn तुम दोनों तौबा करो 1 repeat word in thi surah فَقَدْ so indeed, तो बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah صَغَتْ (are) inclined झुके हुए हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah قُلُوبُكُمَا your hearts; दिल तुम दोनों के 1 repeat word in thi surah وَإِن but if और अगर 1 repeat word in thi surah تَظَٰهَرَا you backup each other तुम एक दूसरे की मदद करोगी 1 repeat word in thi surah فَإِنَّ then indeed, तो बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah هُوَ He वो 1 repeat word in thi surah مَوْلَىٰهُ (is) his Protector, मौला है उसका 1 repeat word in thi surah وَجِبْرِيلُ and Jibreel, और जिबराईल 1 repeat word in thi surah وَصَٰلِحُ and (the) righteous और नेक 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ believers, ईमान वाले 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةُ and the Angels, और फ़रिश्ते 1 repeat word in thi surah بَعْدَ after बाद 1 repeat word in thi surah ذَٰلِكَ that उसके 1 repeat word in thi surah ظَهِيرٌ (are his) assistants. मददगार हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبُّهُۥٓ his Lord, रब उसका 1 repeat word in thi surah طَلَّقَكُنَّ he divorced you, वो तलाक़ दे दे तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah يُبْدِلَهُۥٓ He will substitute for him वो बदल कर दे दे उसे 1 repeat word in thi surah أَزْوَٰجًا wives बीवियाँ 1 repeat word in thi surah خَيْرًا better बेहतर 1 repeat word in thi surah مِّنكُنَّ than you तुम से 1 repeat word in thi surah مُسْلِمَٰتٍ submissive, मुसलमान 1 repeat word in thi surah مُّؤْمِنَٰتٍ faithful, ईमान वालीं 1 repeat word in thi surah قَٰنِتَٰتٍ obedient, इताअत करने वालीं 1 repeat word in thi surah تَٰٓئِبَٰتٍ repentant, तौबा करने वालीं 1 repeat word in thi surah عَٰبِدَٰتٍ who worship, इबादत करने वालीं 1 repeat word in thi surah سَٰٓئِحَٰتٍ who fast, रोज़ा दार 1 repeat word in thi surah ثَيِّبَٰتٍ previously married शादी शुदा 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَبْكَارًا and virgins. कुँवारियाँ 1 repeat word in thi surah قُوٓا۟ Protect बचाओ 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنفُسَكُمْ yourselves अपने आपको 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَهْلِيكُمْ and your families और अपने घर वालों को 1 repeat word in thi surah نَارًا (from) a Fire ऐसी आग से 1 repeat word in thi surah وَقُودُهَا whose fuel जिस का ईंधन 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّاسُ (is) people लोग 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْحِجَارَةُ and stones, और पत्थर होंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْهَا over it जिस पर 1 repeat word in thi surah مَلَٰٓئِكَةٌ (are) Angels फ़रिश्ते होंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah غِلَاظٌ stern, सख़्त 1 repeat word in thi surah شِدَادٌ severe; ज़बरदस्त 1 repeat word in thi surah يَعْصُونَ they disobey नहीं वो नाफ़रमानी करते 1 repeat word in thi surah أَمَرَهُمْ He Commands them उसने हुक्म दिया उन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah وَيَفْعَلُونَ but they do और वो करते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah يُؤْمَرُونَ they are commanded. उन्हें हुक्म दिए जाते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah تَعْتَذِرُوا۟ make excuses बनाओ बहाने 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْيَوْمَ today. आज 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّمَا Only बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah تُجْزَوْنَ you will be recompensed तुम्हें बदला दिया जा रहा है 1 repeat word in thi surah كُنتُمْ you used to तुम 1 repeat word in thi surah تَعْمَلُونَ do." करते थे 1 repeat word in thi surah تُوبُوٓا۟ Turn तौबा करो 1 repeat word in thi surah تَوْبَةً (in) repentance तौबा 1 repeat word in thi surah نَّصُوحًا sincere! सच्ची 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبُّكُمْ your Lord तुम्हारा रब 1 repeat word in thi surah يُكَفِّرَ remove वो दूर कर देगा 1 repeat word in thi surah عَنكُمْ from you तुम से 1 repeat word in thi surah سَيِّـَٔاتِكُمْ your evil deeds तुम्हारे गुनाहों को 1 repeat word in thi surah وَيُدْخِلَكُمْ and admit you और वो दाख़िल कर देगा तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah جَنَّٰتٍ (into) Gardens बाग़ात में 1 repeat word in thi surah تَجْرِى flow बहती हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah تَحْتِهَا underneath it उनके नीचे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ the rivers, नहरें 1 repeat word in thi surah يَوْمَ (on the) Day जिस दिन 1 repeat word in thi surah يُخْزِى will be disgraced ना रुस्वा करेगा 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلَّذِينَ and those who और उन्हें जो 1 repeat word in thi surah مَعَهُۥ with him. साथ उसके 1 repeat word in thi surah نُورُهُمْ Their light नूर उनका 1 repeat word in thi surah يَسْعَىٰ will run दौड़ता होगा 1 repeat word in thi surah بَيْنَ before 1 repeat word in thi surah أَيْدِيهِمْ their hands उनके आगे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَبِأَيْمَٰنِهِمْ and on their right; और उनके दाऐं 1 repeat word in thi surah يَقُولُونَ they will say, वो कहेंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبَّنَآ "Our Lord ऐ हमारे रब 1 repeat word in thi surah أَتْمِمْ Perfect तमाम कर दे 1 repeat word in thi surah نُورَنَا our light नूर हमारा 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱغْفِرْ and grant forgiveness और माफ़ कर दे 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّكَ Indeed, You बेशक तू 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَىٰ (are) over पर 1 repeat word in thi surah كُلِّ every हर 1 repeat word in thi surah شَىْءٍ thing चीज़ 1 repeat word in thi surah قَدِيرٌ All-Powerful." ख़ूब ताक़त रखने वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah جَٰهِدِ Strive जिहाद कीजिए 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْكُفَّارَ (against) the disbelievers काफ़िरों से 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْمُنَٰفِقِينَ and the hypocrites, और मुनाफ़िक़ों से 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱغْلُظْ and be stern और सख़्ती कीजिए 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْهِمْ with them. उन पर 1 repeat word in thi surah وَمَأْوَىٰهُمْ And their abode और उनका ठिकाना 1 repeat word in thi surah جَهَنَّمُ (is) Hell, जहन्नम है 1 repeat word in thi surah وَبِئْسَ and wretched is और वह क्या ही बुरा है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمَصِيرُ the destination. ठिकाना 1 repeat word in thi surah ضَرَبَ Presents बयान की 1 repeat word in thi surah نُوحٍ (of) Nuh नूह की 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱمْرَأَتَ (and the) wife और बीवी की 1 repeat word in thi surah لُوطٍ (of) Lut. लूत की 1 repeat word in thi surah كَانَتَا They were वो दोनों थीं 1 repeat word in thi surah تَحْتَ under नीचे 1 repeat word in thi surah عَبْدَيْنِ two [slaves] दो बन्दों के 1 repeat word in thi surah عِبَادِنَا Our slaves हमारे बन्दों में 1 repeat word in thi surah صَٰلِحَيْنِ righteous, जो दोनों नेक थे 1 repeat word in thi surah فَخَانَتَاهُمَا but they both betrayed them, तो उन दोनों नेधोका किया 1 repeat word in thi surah فَلَمْ so not तो ना 1 repeat word in thi surah يُغْنِيَا they availed, वो दोनों काम आ सके 1 repeat word in thi surah عَنْهُمَا both of them, उन दोनों के 1 repeat word in thi surah شَيْـًٔا (in) anything, कुछ भी 1 repeat word in thi surah وَقِيلَ and it was said, और कह दिया गया 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱدْخُلَا "Enter दोनों दाख़िल हो जाओ 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّارَ the Fire आग में 1 repeat word in thi surah مَعَ with साथ 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلدَّٰخِلِينَ those who enter." दाख़िल होने वालों के 1 repeat word in thi surah وَضَرَبَ And presents और बयान की 1 repeat word in thi surah إِذْ when जब 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبِّ "My Lord! ऐ मेरे रब 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱبْنِ Build बना 1 repeat word in thi surah لِى for me मेरे लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah عِندَكَ near You अपने पास 1 repeat word in thi surah بَيْتًا a house एक घर 1 repeat word in thi surah فِى in में 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْجَنَّةِ Paradise, जन्नत 1 repeat word in thi surah وَعَمَلِهِۦ and his deeds और उसके अमल से 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْقَوْمِ the people उन लोगों 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ the wrongdoers." जो ज़ालिम हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah وَمَرْيَمَ And Maryam, और मरियम 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱبْنَتَ (the) daughter बेटी 1 repeat word in thi surah عِمْرَٰنَ (of) Imran इमरान की 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّتِىٓ who वो जिसने 1 repeat word in thi surah أَحْصَنَتْ guarded हिफ़ाज़त की 1 repeat word in thi surah فَرْجَهَا her chastity, अपनी शर्मगाह की 1 repeat word in thi surah فَنَفَخْنَا so We breathed तो फ़ूँक दिया हमने 1 repeat word in thi surah فِيهِ into it उसमें 1 repeat word in thi surah رُّوحِنَا Our Spirit. अपनी रूह 1 repeat word in thi surah وَصَدَّقَتْ And she believed और उसने तस्दीक़ की 1 repeat word in thi surah بِكَلِمَٰتِ (in the) Words बातों की 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبِّهَا (of) her Lord अपने रब की 1 repeat word in thi surah وَكُتُبِهِۦ and His Books, और उसकी किताबों की 1 repeat word in thi surah وَكَانَتْ and she was और थी वो 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْقَٰنِتِينَ the devoutly obedient. फ़रमाबरदारों में 1 repeat word in thi surah