مِن from इससे 6 repeat word in thi surah ٱللَّهِ (of) Allah, अल्लाह की 6 repeat word in thi surah فِى (is) in में है 4 repeat word in thi surah وَٱللَّهُ And Allah और अल्लाह 4 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّذِينَ (of) those who उन की जिन पर 4 repeat word in thi surah إِن If अगर 4 repeat word in thi surah قُلْ Say, कह दीजिए 3 repeat word in thi surah كُنتُمْ you are तुम हो 3 repeat word in thi surah خَيْرٌ (is) better बेहतर है 3 repeat word in thi surah لِلَّهِ Allah अल्लाह की 2 repeat word in thi surah مَا whatever हर वो चीज़ जो 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْأَرْضِ the earth, ज़मीन 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَزِيزِ the All-Mighty, ज़बरदस्त 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحَكِيمِ the All-Wise. हिकमत वाला है 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّذِى (is) the One Who जिसने 2 repeat word in thi surah مِّنْهُمْ from themselves उन्हीं में से 2 repeat word in thi surah فَضْلُ (is the) Bounty मेहरबानी है 2 repeat word in thi surah مَثَلُ (The) likeness मिसाल 2 repeat word in thi surah ثُمَّ then फिर 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْقَوْمِ (of) the people उन लोगों की 2 repeat word in thi surah يَٰٓأَيُّهَا "O 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمَوْتَ (for) the death, मौत की 2 repeat word in thi surah بِمَا for what इस वजह से कि जो 2 repeat word in thi surah إِلَىٰ to तरफ़ 2 repeat word in thi surah يُسَبِّحُ Glorifies महिमा करती है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ the heavens आसमानों 1 repeat word in thi surah وَمَا and whatever और जो 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمَلِكِ the Sovereign, जो बादशाह 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْقُدُّوسِ the Holy, पाक ज़ात 1 repeat word in thi surah هُوَ He वो ही है 1 repeat word in thi surah بَعَثَ sent भेजा 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْأُمِّيِّۦنَ the unlettered अनपढ़ लोगों 1 repeat word in thi surah رَسُولًا a Messenger एक रसूल 1 repeat word in thi surah يَتْلُوا۟ reciting जो तिलावत करता है 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْهِمْ to them उन पर 1 repeat word in thi surah ءَايَٰتِهِۦ His Verses, उसकी आयात की 1 repeat word in thi surah وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ and purifying them और वो उन को पाक करता है 1 repeat word in thi surah وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ and teaching them और वो सिखाता है उन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْكِتَٰبَ the Book किताब 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْحِكْمَةَ and the wisdom और हिकमत 1 repeat word in thi surah وَإِن although और बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah كَانُوا۟ they were थे वो 1 repeat word in thi surah قَبْلُ before पहले 1 repeat word in thi surah لَفِى surely in में 1 repeat word in thi surah ضَلَٰلٍ an error गुमराही 1 repeat word in thi surah مُّبِينٍ clear. खुली 1 repeat word in thi surah وَءَاخَرِينَ And others और दूसरों के लिए भी 1 repeat word in thi surah لَمَّا who have not yet जो अभी तक नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah يَلْحَقُوا۟ joined मिले 1 repeat word in thi surah بِهِمْ them; उनसे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَهُوَ and He और वो 1 repeat word in thi surah ذَٰلِكَ That ये 1 repeat word in thi surah يُؤْتِيهِ He gives it वो देता है उसे 1 repeat word in thi surah يَشَآءُ He wills. वो चाहता है 1 repeat word in thi surah ذُو (is the) Possessor वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْفَضْلِ (of) Bounty फ़ज़ल 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَظِيمِ the Great. बहुत बड़ा 1 repeat word in thi surah حُمِّلُوا۟ were entrusted बोझ डाला गया 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلتَّوْرَىٰةَ (with) the Taurat तौरात का 1 repeat word in thi surah لَمْ not नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah يَحْمِلُوهَا they bore it, उठाया उसे 1 repeat word in thi surah كَمَثَلِ (is) like उन की मिसाल 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحِمَارِ the donkey गधे की है 1 repeat word in thi surah يَحْمِلُ who carries जो लादे हुए रहता है 1 repeat word in thi surah أَسْفَارًۢا books. किताबो को 1 repeat word in thi surah بِئْسَ Wretched is कितनी बुरी है 1 repeat word in thi surah كَذَّبُوا۟ deny झुठलाया 1 repeat word in thi surah بِـَٔايَٰتِ (the) Signs निशानियों को 1 repeat word in thi surah لَا (does) not नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah يَهْدِى guide देता हिदायत 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ the wrongdoers. जो ज़ालिम हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah هَادُوٓا۟ (are) Jews! यहूदी बन गए हो 1 repeat word in thi surah زَعَمْتُمْ you claim तुम्हारा दावा है 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنَّكُمْ that you कि तुम 1 repeat word in thi surah أَوْلِيَآءُ (are) allies चहीते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah دُونِ excluding छोड़ कर 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّاسِ the people, बाक़ी लोगों को 1 repeat word in thi surah فَتَمَنَّوُا۟ then wish तो तुम तमन्ना करो 1 repeat word in thi surah صَٰدِقِينَ truthful." सच्चे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَلَا But not और नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah يَتَمَنَّوْنَهُۥٓ they will wish for it, वो तमन्ना करेंगे उसकी 1 repeat word in thi surah أَبَدًۢا ever, कभी भी 1 repeat word in thi surah قَدَّمَتْ (have) sent forth आगे भेजा 1 repeat word in thi surah أَيْدِيهِمْ their hands. उनके हाथों ने 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلِيمٌۢ (is) All-Knowing ख़ूब जानने वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah بِٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ of the wrongdoers. ज़ालिमों को 1 repeat word in thi surah تَفِرُّونَ you flee तुम भागते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah مِنْهُ from it, उससे 1 repeat word in thi surah فَإِنَّهُۥ then surely it तो बेशक वो 1 repeat word in thi surah مُلَٰقِيكُمْ (will) meet you. मिलकर रहेगी 1 repeat word in thi surah تُرَدُّونَ you will be sent back तुम लौटाए जाओगे 1 repeat word in thi surah عَٰلِمِ (the) All-Knower जानने वाले 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْغَيْبِ (of) the unseen अज्ञात का 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلشَّهَٰدَةِ and the witnessed, और ज्ञात का 1 repeat word in thi surah فَيُنَبِّئُكُم and He will inform you फिर वो बता देगा तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah تَعْمَلُونَ do." तुम करते थे 1 repeat word in thi surah ءَامَنُوٓا۟ believe! ईमान लाए हो 1 repeat word in thi surah إِذَا When जब 1 repeat word in thi surah نُودِىَ (the) call is made पुकारा जाए 1 repeat word in thi surah لِلصَّلَوٰةِ for (the) prayer नमाज़ के लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah يَوْمِ (the) day दिन 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْجُمُعَةِ (of) Friday, जुमा के 1 repeat word in thi surah فَٱسْعَوْا۟ then hasten तो दौड़ो 1 repeat word in thi surah ذِكْرِ (the) remembrance याद की 1 repeat word in thi surah وَذَرُوا۟ and leave और छोड़ दो 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْبَيْعَ the business. ख़रीदारी को 1 repeat word in thi surah ذَٰلِكُمْ That ये 1 repeat word in thi surah لَّكُمْ for you, तुम्हारे लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah تَعْلَمُونَ know. जानो 1 repeat word in thi surah فَإِذَا Then when फिर जब 1 repeat word in thi surah قُضِيَتِ is concluded पूरी हो जाए 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلصَّلَوٰةُ the prayer, नमाज़ 1 repeat word in thi surah فَٱنتَشِرُوا۟ then disperse तो फैल जाओ 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱبْتَغُوا۟ and seek और तलाश करो 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱذْكُرُوا۟ and remember याद करो 1 repeat word in thi surah كَثِيرًا much ख़ूब 1 repeat word in thi surah لَّعَلَّكُمْ so that you may ताकि तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah تُفْلِحُونَ succeed. कामयाबी हासिल हो 1 repeat word in thi surah وَإِذَا And when और जब 1 repeat word in thi surah رَأَوْا۟ they saw उन्होंने देखा 1 repeat word in thi surah تِجَٰرَةً a transaction तिजारत को 1 repeat word in thi surah أَوْ or या 1 repeat word in thi surah لَهْوًا a sport, खेल तमाशे को 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱنفَضُّوٓا۟ they rushed वो दौड़ पड़े 1 repeat word in thi surah إِلَيْهَا to it उसकी तरफ़ 1 repeat word in thi surah وَتَرَكُوكَ and left you और उन्होंने छोड़ दिया आपको 1 repeat word in thi surah قَآئِمًا standing. खड़े हुए 1 repeat word in thi surah عِندَ (is) with पास है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱللَّهْوِ the sport खेल तमाशे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَمِنَ and from से 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلتِّجَٰرَةِ (any) transaction. और तिजारत 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلرَّٰزِقِينَ (of) the Providers." रोज़ी देने वालों से 1 repeat word in thi surah