ٱللَّهِ Allah. अल्लाह को 14 repeat word in thi surah مِّنَ of 9 repeat word in thi surah وَلَآ and not और ना 9 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّذِينَ who लोगो जो 7 repeat word in thi surah لَا (Do) not ना 6 repeat word in thi surah أَن because कि 6 repeat word in thi surah فِى in में 5 repeat word in thi surah يَٰٓأَيُّهَا O you 4 repeat word in thi surah إِن If अगर 4 repeat word in thi surah وَٱللَّهُ And Allah और अल्लाह 4 repeat word in thi surah مَّآ what जो 4 repeat word in thi surah ءَامَنُوا۟ believe! ईमान लाए हो 3 repeat word in thi surah إِلَيْهِم them उन की तरफ़ 3 repeat word in thi surah بِمَا in what उसका जो 3 repeat word in thi surah بِٱللَّهِ in Allah, अल्लाह पर 3 repeat word in thi surah وَمَن And whoever और जो कोई 3 repeat word in thi surah لَكُمْ to you तुम्हारे 3 repeat word in thi surah بَيْنَكُمْ between you. तुम्हारे बीच 3 repeat word in thi surah رَّبَّنَا Our Lord, ऐ हमारे रब 3 repeat word in thi surah إِذَا When जब 3 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْكُفَّارِ the disbelievers. काफ़िरों की 3 repeat word in thi surah أَنفَقُوا۟ they have spent. उन्होंने ख़र्च किया 3 repeat word in thi surah بِٱلْمَوَدَّةِ love दोस्ती का पैग़ाम 2 repeat word in thi surah كَفَرُوا۟ they have disbelieved उन्होंने इन्कार किया 2 repeat word in thi surah جَآءَكُم came to you आया तुम्हारे पास 2 repeat word in thi surah تُؤْمِنُوا۟ you believe तुम ईमान लाए हो 2 repeat word in thi surah أَعْلَمُ most knowing ख़ूब जानता हूँ 2 repeat word in thi surah وَمَآ and what और जो 2 repeat word in thi surah مِنكُمْ among you तुम में से 2 repeat word in thi surah قَدْ Indeed, बेशक 2 repeat word in thi surah أُسْوَةٌ an example नमूना 2 repeat word in thi surah حَسَنَةٌ good अच्छा 2 repeat word in thi surah إِبْرَٰهِيمَ Ibrahim इब्राहीम 2 repeat word in thi surah لَكَ for you, आप के लिए 2 repeat word in thi surah شَىْءٍ anything. किसी चीज़ का 2 repeat word in thi surah وَإِلَيْكَ and to You और तुझ से ही 2 repeat word in thi surah كَانَ (there) is है 2 repeat word in thi surah فَإِنَّ then indeed, तो बेशक 2 repeat word in thi surah غَفُورٌ (is) Oft-Forgiving, माफ़ करने वाला 2 repeat word in thi surah رَّحِيمٌ Most Merciful. ख़ूब रहम करने वाला है 2 repeat word in thi surah يَنْهَىٰكُمُ (does) forbid you रोकता तुम्हें 2 repeat word in thi surah عَنِ from से 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلدِّينِ the religion दीन के 2 repeat word in thi surah دِيَٰرِكُمْ your homes तुम्हारे घरों 2 repeat word in thi surah عَلَىٰٓ in पर 2 repeat word in thi surah هُمُ [they] जो 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمُؤْمِنَٰتُ the believing women मोमिन औरतें 2 repeat word in thi surah إِلَى to तरफ़ 2 repeat word in thi surah لَهُنَّ for them. उनके लिए 2 repeat word in thi surah تَتَّخِذُوا۟ take बनाओ तुम 1 repeat word in thi surah عَدُوِّى My enemies मेरे दुश्मनों को 1 repeat word in thi surah وَعَدُوَّكُمْ and your enemies और अपने दुश्मनों को 1 repeat word in thi surah أَوْلِيَآءَ (as) allies दोस्त 1 repeat word in thi surah تُلْقُونَ offering तुम भेजते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah وَقَدْ while हालाँकि 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحَقِّ the truth, हक़ 1 repeat word in thi surah يُخْرِجُونَ driving out वो निकालते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلرَّسُولَ the Messenger रसूल को 1 repeat word in thi surah وَإِيَّاكُمْ and yourselves और तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah رَبِّكُمْ your Lord. जो रब है तुम्हारा 1 repeat word in thi surah كُنتُمْ you तुम 1 repeat word in thi surah خَرَجْتُمْ come forth निकलते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah جِهَٰدًا (to) strive जिहाद के लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah سَبِيلِى My way मेरे रास्ते 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱبْتِغَآءَ and (to) seek और चाहते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah مَرْضَاتِى My Pleasure. मेरी ख़ुशी 1 repeat word in thi surah تُسِرُّونَ You confide तुम छुपा कर कैसे भेज सकते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَنَا۠ but I Am और मैं 1 repeat word in thi surah أَخْفَيْتُمْ you conceal तुमने छुपाया 1 repeat word in thi surah أَعْلَنتُمْ you declare. तुमने खुल्लम खुल्ला किया 1 repeat word in thi surah يَفْعَلْهُ does it करेगा उसे 1 repeat word in thi surah فَقَدْ then certainly तो बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah ضَلَّ he has strayed वो भटक गया 1 repeat word in thi surah سَوَآءَ (from the) straight सीधे 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلسَّبِيلِ path. रास्ते से 1 repeat word in thi surah يَثْقَفُوكُمْ they gain dominance over you, वह लोग तुम पर क़ाबू पा जाएँ 1 repeat word in thi surah يَكُونُوا۟ they would be वो होंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah أَعْدَآءً enemies दुश्मन 1 repeat word in thi surah وَيَبْسُطُوٓا۟ and extend और फैलाएंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah إِلَيْكُمْ against you तुम्हारी तरफ़ 1 repeat word in thi surah أَيْدِيَهُمْ their hands अपने हाथ 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَلْسِنَتَهُم and their tongues और अपनी ज़बानें 1 repeat word in thi surah بِٱلسُّوٓءِ with evil, तकलीफ पहुंचाने के लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah وَوَدُّوا۟ and they desire और वो चाहेंगे 1 repeat word in thi surah لَوْ that काश 1 repeat word in thi surah تَكْفُرُونَ you would disbelieve. तुम काफ़िर बन जाओ 1 repeat word in thi surah لَن Never हरगिज़ नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah تَنفَعَكُمْ will benefit you फ़ायदा देंगी तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah أَرْحَامُكُمْ your relatives रिश्तेदारियाँ तुम्हारी 1 repeat word in thi surah أَوْلَٰدُكُمْ your children औलाद तुम्हारी 1 repeat word in thi surah يَوْمَ (on the) Day दिन 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ (of) the Resurrection. क़यामत के 1 repeat word in thi surah يَفْصِلُ He will judge वो जुदाई डाल देगा 1 repeat word in thi surah تَعْمَلُونَ you do तुम करते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah بَصِيرٌ (is) All-Seer. देख रहा है 1 repeat word in thi surah كَانَتْ (there) is है 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلَّذِينَ and those और उन लोगों में जो 1 repeat word in thi surah مَعَهُۥٓ with him, उसके साथ थे 1 repeat word in thi surah إِذْ when जब 1 repeat word in thi surah قَالُوا۟ they said उन्होंने कहा 1 repeat word in thi surah لِقَوْمِهِمْ to their people, अपनी क़ौम से 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّا "Indeed, we बेशक हम 1 repeat word in thi surah بُرَءَٰٓؤُا۟ (are) disassociated अलग हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah وَمِمَّا and from what और उनसे जिन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah تَعْبُدُونَ you worship तुम पूजते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah دُونِ besides छोड़ कर 1 repeat word in thi surah كَفَرْنَا We have denied इन्कार किया हमने 1 repeat word in thi surah بِكُمْ you, तुम्हारा 1 repeat word in thi surah وَبَدَا and has appeared और रहेगी 1 repeat word in thi surah بَيْنَنَا between us हमारे बीच 1 repeat word in thi surah وَبَيْنَكُمُ and between you और तुम्हारे बीच 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَدَٰوَةُ enmity दुश्मनी 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْبَغْضَآءُ and hatred और नफ़रत 1 repeat word in thi surah أَبَدًا forever हमेशा के लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah حَتَّىٰ until यहाँ तक कि 1 repeat word in thi surah وَحْدَهُۥٓ Alone." अकेले उसी पर 1 repeat word in thi surah إِلَّا Except मगर 1 repeat word in thi surah قَوْلَ (the) saying कहना 1 repeat word in thi surah لِأَبِيهِ to his father, अपने बाप से 1 repeat word in thi surah لَأَسْتَغْفِرَنَّ "Surely I ask forgiveness मैं ज़रूर मग़फ़िरत माँगूँगा 1 repeat word in thi surah أَمْلِكُ I have power अधिकार रखता मैं 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْكَ upon You तुझ पर ही 1 repeat word in thi surah تَوَكَّلْنَا we put our trust, हमें भरोसा है 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنَبْنَا we turn, हम तौबा करते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمَصِيرُ (is) the final return. लौटना है 1 repeat word in thi surah تَجْعَلْنَا make us तू बना हमें 1 repeat word in thi surah فِتْنَةً a trial फ़ितना 1 repeat word in thi surah لِّلَّذِينَ for those who उनके लिए जिन्होंने 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱغْفِرْ and forgive और माफ़ कर दे 1 repeat word in thi surah لَنَا us, हमें 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّكَ Indeed You बेशक तू 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنتَ [You] तू ही है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْعَزِيزُ (are) the All-Mighty, बहुत ज़बरदस्त 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحَكِيمُ the All-Wise." ख़ूब हिकमत वाला 1 repeat word in thi surah لَقَدْ Certainly, बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah فِيهِمْ in them उनमें 1 repeat word in thi surah لِّمَن for (he) who उसके लिए जो 1 repeat word in thi surah يَرْجُوا۟ hopeful उम्मीद रखता 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْيَوْمَ and the Day दिन की 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْءَاخِرَ the Last. और आख़िरत के 1 repeat word in thi surah يَتَوَلَّ turns away, मुँह मोड़ा 1 repeat word in thi surah هُوَ He, वो है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْغَنِىُّ (is) Free of need, बहुत बेनियाज़ 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحَمِيدُ the Praiseworthy. तारीफ़ के लायक़ 1 repeat word in thi surah عَسَى Perhaps उम्मीद है 1 repeat word in thi surah يَجْعَلَ will put वो डाल दे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَبَيْنَ and between और बीच 1 repeat word in thi surah عَادَيْتُم you have been enemies, तुम दुश्मनी रखते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah مِّنْهُم among them उनमें से 1 repeat word in thi surah مَّوَدَّةً love. मोह़ब्बत 1 repeat word in thi surah قَدِيرٌ (is) All-Powerful. ताक़त रखने वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah لَمْ (do) not नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah يُقَٰتِلُوكُمْ fight you जंग की तुमसे उन्होंने 1 repeat word in thi surah وَلَمْ and (do) not और नहीं 1 repeat word in thi surah يُخْرِجُوكُم drive you out उन्होंने निकाला तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah تَبَرُّوهُمْ you deal kindly तुम नेकी करो उनसे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَتُقْسِطُوٓا۟ and deal justly और तुम इन्साफ़ करो 1 repeat word in thi surah يُحِبُّ loves पसंद करता है 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْمُقْسِطِينَ those who act justly. इन्साफ़ करने वालों को 1 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّمَا Only बेशक 1 repeat word in thi surah قَٰتَلُوكُمْ fight you जंग की तुमसे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَخْرَجُوكُم and drive you out और उन्होंने निकाला तुम्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah وَظَٰهَرُوا۟ and support और उन्होंने एक दूसरे की मदद की 1 repeat word in thi surah إِخْرَاجِكُمْ your expulsion, तुम्हारे निकालने 1 repeat word in thi surah تَوَلَّوْهُمْ you make them allies. तुम दोस्ती करो उनसे 1 repeat word in thi surah يَتَوَلَّهُمْ makes them allies, दोस्ती करेगा उनसे 1 repeat word in thi surah فَأُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ then those तो यही लोग हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلظَّٰلِمُونَ (are) the wrongdoers. ज़ालिम हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah مُهَٰجِرَٰتٍ (as) emigrants, हिजरत करने वालियाँ 1 repeat word in thi surah فَٱمْتَحِنُوهُنَّ then examine them. तो इम्तिहान लो उनका 1 repeat word in thi surah بِإِيمَٰنِهِنَّ of their faith. उनके ईमान को 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلِمْتُمُوهُنَّ you know them जान लो तुम उन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah مُؤْمِنَٰتٍ (to be) believers, ईमान वालियाँ 1 repeat word in thi surah فَلَا then (do) not तो ना 1 repeat word in thi surah تَرْجِعُوهُنَّ return them तुम लौटाओ उन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah هُنَّ they वो 1 repeat word in thi surah حِلٌّ (are) lawful हलाल हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah لَّهُمْ for them उनके लिए 1 repeat word in thi surah يَحِلُّونَ are lawful वो हलाल हो सकते हैं 1 repeat word in thi surah وَءَاتُوهُم But give them और दो उन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah جُنَاحَ any blame कोई गुनाह 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْكُمْ upon you तुम पर 1 repeat word in thi surah تَنكِحُوهُنَّ you marry them तुम निकाह करो उनसे 1 repeat word in thi surah ءَاتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ you have given them दे चुको तुम उन्हें 1 repeat word in thi surah أُجُورَهُنَّ their (bridal) dues. महर उनको 1 repeat word in thi surah تُمْسِكُوا۟ hold तुम रोक कर रखो 1 repeat word in thi surah بِعِصَمِ to marriage bonds इज़्ज़्त को 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْكَوَافِرِ (with) disbelieving women, काफ़िर औरतों की 1 repeat word in thi surah وَسْـَٔلُوا۟ but ask (for) और तुम माँग लो 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنفَقْتُمْ you have spent, ख़र्च किया तुमने 1 repeat word in thi surah وَلْيَسْـَٔلُوا۟ and let them ask और चाहिए कि वो माँग लें 1 repeat word in thi surah ذَٰلِكُمْ That ये 1 repeat word in thi surah حُكْمُ (is the) Judgment फ़ैसला है 1 repeat word in thi surah يَحْكُمُ He judges वो फ़ैसला करता है 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلِيمٌ (is) All-Knowing, ख़ूब इल्म वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah حَكِيمٌ All-Wise. ख़ूब हिकमत वाला है 1 repeat word in thi surah وَإِن And if और अगर 1 repeat word in thi surah فَاتَكُمْ have gone from you रह जाए तुमसे 1 repeat word in thi surah أَزْوَٰجِكُمْ your wives तुम्हारी बीवियों की 1 repeat word in thi surah فَعَاقَبْتُمْ then your turn comes, फिर तुम्हारी बारी आए 1 repeat word in thi surah فَـَٔاتُوا۟ then give तो दो 1 repeat word in thi surah ذَهَبَتْ have gone, चली गईं 1 repeat word in thi surah أَزْوَٰجُهُم their wives, बीवियाँ जिनकी 1 repeat word in thi surah مِّثْلَ (the) like उसके बराबर 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱتَّقُوا۟ And fear और डरो 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّذِىٓ (in) Whom, वो 1 repeat word in thi surah أَنتُم you, तुम 1 repeat word in thi surah بِهِۦ [in Him] जिस पर 1 repeat word in thi surah مُؤْمِنُونَ (are) believers. ईमान रखते हो 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّبِىُّ Prophet! नबी 1 repeat word in thi surah جَآءَكَ come to you आऐं आपके पास 1 repeat word in thi surah يُبَايِعْنَكَ pledging to you वो बैअत करें आपसे 1 repeat word in thi surah يُشْرِكْنَ they will associate वो साझी ठहराऐंगी 1 repeat word in thi surah شَيْـًٔا anything, किसी चीज़ को 1 repeat word in thi surah يَسْرِقْنَ they will steal, वो चोरी करेंगी 1 repeat word in thi surah يَزْنِينَ they will commit adultery, वो ज़िना करेंगी 1 repeat word in thi surah يَقْتُلْنَ they will kill वो क़त्ल करेंगी 1 repeat word in thi surah أَوْلَٰدَهُنَّ their children, अपनी औलाद को 1 repeat word in thi surah يَأْتِينَ they bring वो आऐंगी 1 repeat word in thi surah بِبُهْتَٰنٍ slander, किसी बोहतान के साथ 1 repeat word in thi surah يَفْتَرِينَهُۥ they invent it जिसे वो गढ़ लें 1 repeat word in thi surah بَيْنَ between बीच 1 repeat word in thi surah أَيْدِيهِنَّ their hands अपने हाथों के 1 repeat word in thi surah وَأَرْجُلِهِنَّ and their feet, और अपने पाँव के 1 repeat word in thi surah يَعْصِينَكَ they will disobey you वो नाफ़रमानी करेंगी आपकी 1 repeat word in thi surah مَعْرُوفٍ (the) right, किसी नेकी 1 repeat word in thi surah فَبَايِعْهُنَّ then accept their pledge तो बैअत कर लीजिए उनसे 1 repeat word in thi surah وَٱسْتَغْفِرْ and ask forgiveness और मग़फ़िरत की दुआ माँगिए 1 repeat word in thi surah تَتَوَلَّوْا۟ make allies तुम दोस्त बनाओ 1 repeat word in thi surah قَوْمًا (of) a people, ऐसी क़ौम को 1 repeat word in thi surah غَضِبَ (The) wrath ग़ज़ब किया 1 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْهِمْ (is) upon them. जिन पर 1 repeat word in thi surah يَئِسُوا۟ they despair वो मायूस हो गए 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ the Hereafter आख़िरत 1 repeat word in thi surah كَمَا as जैसा कि 1 repeat word in thi surah يَئِسَ despair मायूस हुए 1 repeat word in thi surah أَصْحَٰبِ (the) companions वालों 1 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْقُبُورِ (of) the graves. क़ब्रों 1 repeat word in thi surah