ٱللَّهِ (of) Allah 27 repeat word in thi surah فِىٓ in 20 repeat word in thi surah مِّن from 16 repeat word in thi surah إِنَّ Indeed, 15 repeat word in thi surah مَا what 10 repeat word in thi surah إِلَىَّ towards Me 8 repeat word in thi surah أَن lest 7 repeat word in thi surah وَلَا And (do) not 7 repeat word in thi surah وَمِنَ And of 6 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْأَرْضِ the earth 5 repeat word in thi surah ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ the heavens 5 repeat word in thi surah كُلِّ every 5 repeat word in thi surah عِلْمٍ knowledge, 4 repeat word in thi surah خَلَقَ He created 4 repeat word in thi surah هُوَ He 4 repeat word in thi surah وَمَا and whatever 4 repeat word in thi surah لَا (Do) not 4 repeat word in thi surah عَن from 4 repeat word in thi surah عَلَىٰ (are) on 4 repeat word in thi surah أَلَمْ Do not 3 repeat word in thi surah يَٰبُنَىَّ "O my son! 3 repeat word in thi surah لِلَّهِ to Allah." 3 repeat word in thi surah بَلِ Nay, 3 repeat word in thi surah هُدًى A guidance 3 repeat word in thi surah فَلَا then (do) not 3 repeat word in thi surah ذَٰلِكَ that 3 repeat word in thi surah خَبِيرٌ All-Aware. 3 repeat word in thi surah بِمَا of what 3 repeat word in thi surah وَهُوَ And He 3 repeat word in thi surah فِيهَا in it. 3 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّذِينَ Those who 3 repeat word in thi surah وَإِذَا And when 3 repeat word in thi surah عَذَابٌ (is) a punishment 3 repeat word in thi surah لَهُمْ for them 3 repeat word in thi surah بِغَيْرِ without 3 repeat word in thi surah وَأَنَّ and that 3 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّاسِ the mankind 3 repeat word in thi surah أَوْ or 2 repeat word in thi surah نَفْسٌ any soul 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْحَكِيمِ the Wise, 2 repeat word in thi surah تَدْرِى knows 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلْأُمُورِ the matters requiring determination. 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلنَّهَارِ the day, 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلَّيْلَ the night 2 repeat word in thi surah عَلِيمٌۢ (is) the All-Knower 2 repeat word in thi surah وَٱلْأَرْضَ and the earth?" 2 repeat word in thi surah تَرَ you see 2 repeat word in thi surah إِلَّا but 2 repeat word in thi surah لُقْمَٰنَ Luqman 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ the prayer 2 repeat word in thi surah هُمْ [they] 2 repeat word in thi surah أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ Those 2 repeat word in thi surah سَبِيلِ (the) path 2 repeat word in thi surah عَلَيْهِ to him 2 repeat word in thi surah كَأَن as if 2 repeat word in thi surah وَعْدَ (The) Promise of Allah 2 repeat word in thi surah مَاذَا what 2 repeat word in thi surah تَعْمَلُونَ do." 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱشْكُرْ "Be grateful 2 repeat word in thi surah يَشْكُرْ (is) grateful 2 repeat word in thi surah كَفَرَ (is) ungrateful, 2 repeat word in thi surah تُشْرِكْ associate partners 2 repeat word in thi surah بِٱللَّهِ with Allah. 2 repeat word in thi surah ٱلدُّنْيَا the world 2 repeat word in thi surah ثُمَّ Then 2 repeat word in thi surah